RWSC Protected Fish Species Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda | Past meeting materials
RWSC Subcommittee meetings, workshops, and webinars are open to the public Sign up to receive future meeting announcements and calendar invites through our monthly newsletter. |
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
This is a joint meeting of the Marine Technology Society's (MTS) Offshore Renewable Energy Committee and the RWSC Technology Subcommittee. Registration is required for the meeting.
James Morris, Marine Spatial Ecology Division, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, and Nick Farmer, Chief, Species Conservation Branch, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Region, will present about their recent work […]
Offshore Bat Working Group Agenda | Past meeting materials
A brief kick-off meeting will be held Wednesday, January 17th from 1-2 p.m. ET to introduce the purpose and work of the Subcommittee. We will review the materials in the data governance chapter of the […]
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind (RWSC) announced the release of the Science Plan on January 25, 2024. Join this one-hour webinar to learn about how to access […]