RWSC Bird and Bat Subcommittee Meeting
Agenda | Past meeting materials
RWSC Subcommittee meetings, workshops, and webinars are open to the public Sign up to receive future meeting announcements and calendar invites through our monthly newsletter. |
Agenda | Past meeting materials
RWSC is hosting a Stochastic Collision Risk Assessment for Movement (SCRAM) Model Webinar on Monday March 4th from 2-3pm ET. Lead investigators from USFWS, BOEM, and Biodiversity Research Institute will give an […]
Agenda | Meeting Materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials Register for the meeting here.
Agenda | Past Meeting Materials
The joint RWSC-MTS Technology Committee, which includes members from government, the private sector, and environmental nonprofits, in partnership with two US Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories (the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the […]
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials