RWSC Bird & Bat Subcommittee Meeting
Offshore Bat Working Group Agenda | Past meeting materials
RWSC Subcommittee meetings, workshops, and webinars are open to the public Sign up to receive future meeting announcements and calendar invites through our monthly newsletter. |
Offshore Bat Working Group Agenda | Past meeting materials
A brief kick-off meeting will be held Wednesday, January 17th from 1-2 p.m. ET to introduce the purpose and work of the Subcommittee. We will review the materials in the data governance chapter of the […]
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind (RWSC) announced the release of the Science Plan on January 25, 2024. Join this one-hour webinar to learn about how to access […]
This is a joint meeting for the RWSC Sea Turtle and Protected Fish Subcommittees. Both the Sea Turtle and Protected Fish Species Subcommittees have identified a need for coordination around acoustic telemetry deployments, data management, and research. Both Subcommittees have decided to meet jointly in February 2024 to kick off this work with partners including […]
Agenda | Past Meeting Materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials
RWSC is hosting a Stochastic Collision Risk Assessment for Movement (SCRAM) Model Webinar on Monday March 4th from 2-3pm ET. Lead investigators from USFWS, BOEM, and Biodiversity Research Institute will give an […]
Agenda | Meeting Materials
Agenda | Past meeting materials