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RWSC Subcommittee meetings, workshops, and webinars are open to the public

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RWSC Webinar: NOAA NCCOS Spatial Suitability Modeling

James Morris, Marine Spatial Ecology Division, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, and Nick Farmer, Chief, Species Conservation Branch, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Region, will present about their recent work with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to conduct spatial analyses that support draft Wind Energy Area identification. The most recent examples of this work […]

RWSC Data Governance Subcommittee Kick-Off Call

A brief kick-off meeting will be held Wednesday, January 17th from 1-2 p.m. ET to introduce the purpose and work of the Subcommittee.  We will review the materials in the data governance chapter of the Science Plan, share draft terms of reference, and discuss a draft work plan for the subcommittee’s first year. Following this broad initial meeting, we will […]

RWSC Science Plan Release Webinar

The Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind (RWSC) announced the release of the Science Plan on January 25, 2024. Join this one-hour webinar to learn about how to access the Science Plan, how it was developed, and RWSC's next steps for coordinating and implementing offshore wind and wildlife research. Register for the webinar here