The RWSC Marine Mammal Subcommittee convened a small work group to develop data management and storage best practices for long-term and archival Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) data. This is a living document that will be updated by the Subcommittee as practices and technologies advance.
The document is available for download as a pdf and to view as an interactive web page.
The purpose of this document is to address the data collection, management, and storage phases of a long-term/archival PAM project to ensure that while numerous individual entities may be deploying, collecting, and analyzing PAM data, the infrastructure and information exists to facilitate future meta-analyses and syntheses of PAM data across the U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.
The PAM data best practices document was developed to address needs and priorities expressed at several recent workshops and work group proceedings and builds on many existing efforts.
The following individuals contributed to the document via the Subcommittee’s work group: