RWSC Subcommittee meetings, workshops, and webinars are open to the public Sign up to receive future meeting announcements and calendar invites through our monthly newsletter. |
The meeting will take place via GoToMeeting. Add the event to your calendar to receive the link.
The Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act are a few of the statutes that analyze impacts associated with offshore wind development in the Outer Continental Shelf. Each of these statutes and associated regulations may require mitigation, monitoring, and reporting conditions to avoid, minimize, or compensate for negative […]
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You’re invited to a meeting on September 28, 2022 (11 am – 12:30 pm EDT) to discuss a draft database of research priorities focused on the environmental effects of offshore wind development in the U.S. Atlantic. This database of research needs and data gaps was compiled from existing sources and synthesizes data gaps and research needs […]
Add this meeting and the GoToMeeting link to your calendar by clicking the "Add to Calendar" button below. If the GoToMeeting link does not appear in your calendar, please visit […]
Add this meeting and the GoToMeeting link to your calendar by clicking the "Add to Calendar" button below. If the link does not appear in your calendar, please visit during the time of the meeting to access the meeting room.
Please add this meeting to your calendar using the button below to receive the virtual meeting room information. If you do not see the location information in your calendar, please click here at the time of the meeting to join. You can find meeting materials, including an agenda when it's finalized as well as summaries […]
Please add this meeting to your calendar using the button below to receive the virtual meeting room information. If you do not see the location information in your calendar, visit the event page at the time of the meeting to join (head to and click the link in the calendar for today’s meeting). You […]
Join us to learn about the launch of the RWSC Draft Science Plan. This webinar will cover: Overview of how the Draft Science Plan was developed and what it will […]